
Monday, March 17, 2014

Synesthesia #22 Yellow-orange

After completing my studies and starting to cleaning up my studio I was keen to get back to making.
I decided to take a break and make a couple more in the Synesthesia series - a collection of  24 small works about how I feel about different colours - what their individual energies feel like.

#22 Yellow-orange was next. I knew the feeling I wanted to evoke so assembled the threads and fabrics.

I made a quick sample...

...and started. But I was fighting fires the whole time. The first mistake was laying down too much 'dark'. Working over it with a lighter thread turned it a greeny colour. The circles persisted in forming straight lines...

Eventually I gave up and started again. I took the time to establish the values and their range then made decisions within those parameters to get the right feeling/energy.

I think of a fermenting, bubbling energy when I see this colour.


Vicky aka Stichr said...

I would love to find a science experiment this color. (what I call the fridge leftovers) Do you smell color? I know the basket of threads you show make me feel giddy, but not sure if I smell them...

The apron with pockets. Finestkind. Pockets being the key word.

Lesley Turner said...

Hi Vicky - I was thinking of bubbling volcanic pools, puddles around rusting metal. No i don't smell it i feel it on my body like a pressure. You obviously have colour feelings too.
Yes - pockets - i have done research on pockets and found it a gendered subject - try finding women's clothes with pockets unless they are in styles copied from males - it is all very interesting.

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Well pockets for mothers is a must...all those legos and hair ties lurking in corners...and they are perfect for walks to save the bits of treasure...I am picturing my husband holding his pants up as the pockets are so full...fashionable women don't want pockets, they may look bulky.

rusty rings..something I have grown to really like!