
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Studio Tidy-up Time Continues

I am taking my time cleaning up my studio because it is giving me time to think - the type of thinking that goes on when my hands are busy and the music is up loud. The ideas just rise to the surface and all I have to do is jot them down for later contemplation.

One of my recent treasures a friend picked up for me is an old Gray & Dunn biscuit tin full of silk threads...

...on wooden cotton reels.
I will wait to see what they want to become.


Margaret said...

May I refer you to Susan Lenz? She is doing an installation that requires "cast off thread"...and she also makes something out of empty wooden spools. If they don't 'speak' to you, they will likely 'speak' to her... :-)

Lesley Turner said...

Thank you Margaret for the reference to Susan Lenz and her thread project. I have been following it and would love to see it. I'll keep your suggestion in mind if the spools don't speak to me. Thanks.

Susan Lenz said...

Come on ladies! LOL! You must know exactly how these wooden spools speak to me. I have transformed hundreds of them and more just keep finding their way to me. I love them! I wrap them with wool yarn (paterna needlepoint yarn ... from a large stash donated from a friend) and then blanket stitch both ends and then embellish with stitch. Some are then made into Christmas ornaments ... by adding buttons to both ends and a ribbon for hanging. Some are left with their original paper labels. Some have reproduction thumbnail images from vintage family photo albums glues to both ends. These I call "Ancestors". I display them in fiber vessels, doll cradles, and in other containers. Check them out at: http://artbysusanlenz.blogspot.com/2011/12/this-piece-needs-title-please-help.html
I suggest trying this with the wooden spools you've got. They are fun to make and precious to look at! Good luck ... and, if this or something else doesn't speak to you ... send them my way!