Here is another luscious Madeleine Vionnet creation.
In celebration of my 1000th post, I am looking back at the most popular posts, the ones that have been viewed the most often.
The most popular post by far was 'Madeleine Vionnet and Art Deco' Here
The 2nd most often viewed post is also related to my Art Deco studies - 'Art Deco Art on the Figure' here.
A Coco Chanel dress from the Art Deco era.
A detail shows the rich velvet with burn-outs on a silk ground.
The 5th most viewed post was also on the subject of Art Deco fashion, 'Art Deco in England' here
It was a bit of a trick post title because it is about my having sent a module of work to England to be assessed, during my long-distant degree studies. The unit of work focused on an analysis of the Art Deco period.

Here is a beautiful, Art Deco period dress by UK-born designer Edward Molyneux. This dress can be seen in the Metropolitan Museum.
Conclusions - Art Deco lovers do lots of internet searches. Or, there is a lot of interest in the Art Deco period.