My favourite winner of the SDA 'Bodies of Water' Members' Fashion Show - Marliss Jensen, from Minneapolis, called her 2 outfits - 'Homages to Yves and Yves'.
She made body prints on cotton knit using Procion H fiber reactive dye.
Sorry the images are not clear and are not taken from the right angles to really show off the garment. My best shot was looking at the back of the garments but I had to then dodge a spot light.
Beth Kendrick, also from Minneapolis, won 1st place with 'Lucette', a hand dyed, painted, discharged embellished dress.
The waving black scarf stuffed into the top of the corset appeared to be a last minute addition for modesty's sake. It was distracting trying to work out why it was there and wondering if it would fall out before the model got back behind the screen. So we didn't get time to really look at the garment.

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