
Sunday, June 10, 2012

VCA Student Work

Sarah MacLaren's work

Wylie Paterson's board

Wylie worked with a warm blue palette 

Wylie's machine drawing exercises 
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Saturday, June 9, 2012

VCA End of Term Show

Kati Abakanan's work

Kati worked with a cool blue palette

Kati dyed a wide range of fabrics

Kati's final project used her own dyed fabrics
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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mark Making With Machine Student Work

Esther Pomeroy's work

Esther's final project 

Laura Manning's work

Dana Davies' work

Dana's final project 
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Saturday, June 2, 2012

VCA Fine Arts Textile Students' Work - Cut-back Applique


Samples of Cut-back Applique by' Mark Making With Machine' students at Victoria College of Art: Kati Akhavan, Dana Davies, Pat Davis, Laura Manning, Sarah McLean, Wylie Paterson, Esther Pomeroy.
They have used their own dyed fabrics most effectively.
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Thursday, May 31, 2012

May New Moon

When the new moon appeared this month I visited my 4 trees to see what changes had taken place over the previous month.
Douglas-fir needles have grown longer.

Maple leaves have grown from buds to over twice the size of my hand - in 1 month!

Caterpillars are feeding on the new leaves.

New Cedar scales now have rust-orange tips.

Opps, I forgot to take pictures of  white flowers the Arbutus is dropping.
But here are the new irises I planted last September - so lush with lots of symmetries giving them a complex beauty.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Current Threads III: Re-Surfacing

I was very pleased with the installation of my 'Women's Work' in the Slide Gallery at VISA.
The freshly-painted, white, wood walls accentuated the composted table cloth's colour.
The symmetry of the window frame complemented the symmetry of the table setting.
Traditional 'women's work' placed inside contrasted with the contemporary, public graffiti outside the window.
When this work was shown in the Whyte Museum, Banff, I had it set as an afternoon tea table. For this installation I set it as a family dinner table and I think it works much better this way.  

Here are some general shots of the gallery

I do hope you can get to the gallery to see the works before it closes at 5:00pm on May 28th.
It is a showcase of the most recent work of some of the islands' Surface Design Assoc members.
Annual survey shows such as this continue to demonstrate the wide scope of the textile/fibre arts.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Current Threads III - Hanging

Here is the Hanging Crew for the Vancouver Island Surface Design Association Current Threads III: Re-Surfacing exhibition in the Slide gallery at Vancouver Island School of Art.
Morag Orr-Stevens, me, Margie Preninger, Gillian Smith

Margie and I had installations that took several hours to install.

Morag and Gillian worked so well together they had 2 walls hung in under an hour.

The exhibition opened on May 16 and closes May 28th
Hours 9 to 5, Monday to Saturday
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spring In Victoria

Springtime in Victoria is all about gardens springing to life and gardening.
The Buchart gardens, a national treasure, in April. 

We have had lots of company this past month and visited the Buchart Gardens 3 times. They have been different each time.

Plants grow everywhere at this time of year, when the rain still falls regulary and before the hot dry summer.

I am out in our garden most days, inspired by Toby Hememway's book.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tree Cutting and Pruning

The other week Devin arrived to cut down 2 trees with root rot. 

I spent most of the morning watching him cut down the 1st tree.
He climbed up the tree with a chain saw, engine on, hanging from his waist belt...

...and cut off branches as he climbed up. 

He cut off the top section...

...then worked his way back down the tree cutting off the trunk in sections.

I had been worried about the whole tree being cut and falling on my new garden. I had no idea this is how a tree is cut down.

Devin then shredded all of the branches so we have a pile of mulch for the gardens.
Next we have to get in a splitter to spilt the log sections so they will dry and be ready for our fireplace in a couple of years.
It was a most interesting day.
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