
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Hard Twist - Toronto

Hard Twist 6:Touch Me, Feel Me  was an independent exhibition during the World of Threads Festival, held in the historic Gladstone Hotel as their annual juried show.

Jolie Bird (Halifax) wrapped gold thread around headphones but it looked as though she had gold wrapped the record player and the record as well. The exhibition title says Touch Me, Feel Me but Jolie's work had a bold 'DO NOT TOUCH' sign in front of it, which only made me think more about wanting to touch that gold thread.

Kali Brown's (Burlington) small, dark blue Block stuck on the wall was fascinating. It was so simple yet it strongly appealed to my memories of touching things.

Made from rope it had a utilitarian familiarity but I still wanted to touch it to remind myself of what rope feels like.

Kaili's work made me reassess what I thought I was familiar with. 

Gillian Collyer (Toronto) Bound

This work made me laugh. I thought about the chair no longer being touchable, how a soft tactile layer covered a hard surface, how the binding made the object unusable but mostly I thought about what fun this work would have been to make. 
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Margaret said...

That red 'chair' makes me laugh too. What a way to use up one's stash!

And what if Tommy (The Who) had materialized and tried to touch that gold thread...?

Lesley Turner said...

The chair is a real stash burn. Reminds me of making pom poms. Thanks for your response to the work.

Lesley Turner said...
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